Your Curly Hair Questions Answered!

What should you consider when shopping for curly hair products?

It’s rarely one product that does it all. Typically, one needs a leave-in conditioner, a structure product to hold curls in place, and a curl cream to create softness and prevent frizz.


What are the best and worst ingredients for curly hair and why?

Worst - Alcohols, as you can imagine, can dry the hair out which leads to more frizz and lack of hydration. Also, Some silicones can coat the hair and make it look shiny however, this is not the shine you want. This shine comes from plastic that coats the hair and can create a lot of buildup, which then means you need a deep clarifier which can also dry the hair out.

Best - Honey is rich in nutrients and helps to restore vitality! Ceramides restore softness, smoothness, and strength. Also, it protects from environmental stressors which can cause damage and more frizz.

Any myths or misconceptions you'd like to debunk about curly hair?

Curly hair does not look professional. False! Curly hair is wild and beautiful, but it can still be polished and sophisticated when taken care of properly.

Anything else you should know about curly hair or curly hair products?

Curly hair is a force of nature and should be embraced. It is a blessing because it’s an easy wash and go once you have your routine down. Find a stylist that specializes in curly hair to properly prescribe you products. Also, experiment daily, as you may not be 100% comfortable to wear your hair curly after one wash. Getting used to seeing yourself with your natural texture may take a little bit of time and practice.

Ready to get your curls looking fresh? Click the link below to book with one of our stylists at BASE today!


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