Why Leave-In Conditioner is Your Best Friend!

Leave-In Conditioner is a CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT PRODUCT. Find out why…

1. What is a leave-in conditioner and what makes it different from a traditional conditioner?

A leave in conditioner is a product applied after you shampoo condition and towel dry your hair. It is different than a traditional conditioner as a typically offers more than conditioning. Often times A leave in conditioner will add heat protection, in some cases volume, in others cases anti-humectants which helped prevent frizz.

2. Why do you need a leave-in conditioner? Are there hair types that benefit more from using one as opposed to others?

A leave in conditioner can have many benefits. As hair gets longer and grows further away from the scalp it cannot receive the benefits from the natural oil that the scalp produces , so that hair needs additional moisture.The reason the leave in conditioner is important is that it preps to hair for styling and to receive other products evenly, like a primer. I like to think of a leave in conditioner like it is primer when doing your makeup. Most hair types can benefit from a leave in conditioner if it is used correctly and applied in the right areas, if you feel you have finer hair or hair that gets oily I recommend using a leave in sparingly through the ends.

3. How do you use a leave-in conditioner? Are there any important usage dos and don'ts that are worth keeping in mind?

I like to start with a nickel size amount , part the hair Into two ponytails(this will assure you’re covering all of the hair and not just the top layer), apply from mid shaft to ends . Is important to apply leave in conditioner to the hair after it has been towel blotted. If the hair is too damp the product will come out with the water and not provide any benefits.


4. How should you choose a leave-in conditioner? Are there ingredients to look for and others to avoid?

When choosing to leave in conditioner you should always address your biggest issue first. For example ,if you are dry but you also feel you lack volume and the volume is more of concern, address that. If you are lacking volume but you find your hair is damaged and prone to breakage find a leave in that will help to curtail breakage. Getting the hair to the healthiest state is always the utmost importance when I recommend products for my clients.

5. Why is it important to keep hair type, size, and formula in mind as you select a leave-in-conditioner?

Hair Type: It is important to keep hair type in mind because you’ll need to know what you’re trying to target when deciding which leave-in to use. Is your hair dry, is it curly, is it damaged, or is it lacking volume? Knowing these things will point you in the right direction for choosing the right leave-in that best suits your hair.

Size: Knowing if your hair is fine, average, or course will help determine what products you should be using. When thinking of the size we are referring to the size of the strand of hair. A good way to know if your hair is fine, medium, or course is to pluck a strand out and see if you could see it from far away. If you can see from far away chances are your hair is course. If you cannot see it at all, chances are your hair is fine. This will help to determine how much product you should use and where to apply it to your hair.

Formula: It’s important to know if you’ve been lightened with lightener or color, if you have been toned, if you have Balayage, or covered gray. These types of things will help determine if you are looking to build bonds in the cuticle, if you’re looking to provide more moisture, or if you’re looking to provide more healing to the ends of your hair. 

For Leave-In Conditioner recommendations, email us at info@basesalonchicago.com or click the link below to book now with one of our stylists at BASE!


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